From Scepticism to Confidence: A Journey with SAP Signavio

If you are anything like me, almost every time you speak to SAP over the last year or so, they start talking to you about Signavio, and how amazing it is.  Your reaction probably goes something like this: “I just want my SAP system to do what I need it to do, Signavio is just the latest fad, I don’t see how it can help me, and I certainly don’t have time for it”.  I have to admit that my reaction was just that, with a little bit of eye-rolling thrown in for good measure.

After delving deeper, I have come to appreciate its potential, and to be honest, I have been converted. Recently, I have also seen that our clients are reaping the benefits, especially with the Signavio Insights module. Just so you know, there are multiple modules of Signavio, useful for different stages of your SAP S/4HANA lifecycle, before, during, and after your go-lives.

Our Shift to SAP S/4HANA methodology, an SAP Qualified Partner-Packaged Solution, enables existing SAP clients to successfully migrate from SAP ECC 6.0 to SAP S/4HANA. The comprehensive methodology encompasses all stages, from a Free Pre-Flight Assessment to transforming your business into an Intelligent Enterprise:

Image_PhasesIn our Assess Phase, I have really seen Signavio Insights bring real value to our clients. It plays a pivotal role in preparing their business case for a migration to S/4HANA Cloud, by identifying where improvements to current processes can be made using the new functionality available with the new system.  SAP Signavio Process Insights is the process analytics component of the SAP Signavio Suite of Products and allows for rapid discovery of areas of improvement and automation within SAP Business Processes. The Process Insights Solution recommends actions to implement the suggested improvements. As part of our Assess Phase, we quickly connect to and extract KPI data from your current SAP ERP applications. This enables us to get instant insights into the core business processes of the ERP system and rapidly identify focus areas to improve. The Signavio tool enables us to drill down to potential root causes from the main KPIs and enables our clients to start improving business processes with recommended actions and technologies, benchmarking performance against industry peers.

But how does this translate into tangible benefits for our clients?

Considering the example below, you will see that the tool has identified a number of processes, within Finance, that within S/4HANA our clients will have the opportunity to automate, using various standard tools, such as iRPA bots, as well as an industry benchmarking comparison:

As seen in the example, the AR processes are 4 times more labour intensive than the industry average. When building a business case SAP Signavio identifies tangible benefits of new functionality and the ability to identify cost savings within the new environment. In this case, the manual effort traditionally tied to these processes can be eliminated, freeing up vital resources and enabling a better experience for both clients and employees.

All the insights are provided as part of our Assess Phase, with no Signavio Licence requirement, as we supply the license and environment for the duration of the phase. Let me tell you, the insights into our client's data and processes have been phenomenal.  There are of course many other aspects to Signavio, but if these are the insights you receive before you have even taken a decision to move to S/4HANA, imagine the possibilities available with the rest of the modules. SAP Signavio will enable you to streamline and improve your business's processes, allowing you to tie it back to your strategies and future requirements.

The next time Signavio comes up in a conversation, don’t roll your eyes, consider exploring its potential impact on your business. Reach out to me, to change your scepticism to confidence as I will happily talk about how our clients have found real benefits in using the Signavio Process Insights.

Nikki Cox
Client & Partner Success Manager
Having worked with SAP for 25 years as an end-user, consultant, and Account Manager, Nikki has extensive experience spanning many industry sectors, functional areas, and technology. In recent years she has focused on the shift to S/4HANA, helping clients understand their best strategy for a S/4HANA conversion, minimising risk, and ensuring the transformation delivers to each client’s drivers, helping drive their future digital strategy. Nikki is passionate about ensuring clients get the great service they deserve, ensuring they are able to maximise the investments that they have made in their SAP infrastructure, sharing the knowledge of SAP’s exciting new technologies to help bring their businesses into the digital age giving them the competitive edge that they need.
